Sunday, July 13, 2008

Welcome To Our Life

Hello to Everyone. I've been wanting to create a blog for our family for a long time. I read Adam and Trish's blog all the time and really enjoy it. What a great way for friends and family to keep up to date with our lives. Anyways, I will try to keep up to date with this and post many pictures.

Just to get you all up to date with our lives, here is a little of what is going on. We are now and have been living in Lake Havasu City Arizona for the past 8 years. It is so very hot here in the summer. It is hard to get use to the 120 degree weather but the the winter comes and it is very nice here. As all of you know we had a baby girl, Emma born March 7th of this year. She joins her big sister Ellie who will be 2 in September. These two girls keep us extremely busy. They are both very active. I quit my job of 4 years to stay home with the girls. I love this decision because I experience so much on a day to day basis that I would have otherwise missed. I am teaching an after school nutrition class to elementary school kids 2 days a week to bring in some extra money, which probably just goes right into the gas tank. I'm really into running now. I guess I take after my dad. I'm up to about 4 miles now. I have to get up very early to escape the heat but I find it very theraputic and a great way to start the new day.

Michael is on his 4th year of teaching. Time sure goes by fast. He teaches 1st grade and loves it. Sometimes it can be challenging but very rewarding for the most part. He is starting is Masters Degree program in the fall through Northern Arizona University. He hopes to get into administration and hopefully we will be able to move somewhere where we can have grass and trees and the kids can actually go outside in the summer to play.

Ellie is our very active but very sweet little 2 year old. She is very funny. I fear she will be the class clown someday. Hopefully her daddy is the principal of her school. She loves Shrek movies and anything Shrek. I guess you could say she is obsessed. She loves to swim, read, do puzzles and amuse anyone she is around. She is very smart and has a great memory. We feel very blessed to have her in our lives.

Emma is such a sweet little baby. She is 4 1/2 months old and is growing so fast. She weight 13lbs 8 oz and is 24 1/2 inches long. She is rolling all over the place and reaching out for objects. She loves to watch her big sissy play and will smile and laugh at her. We just started her on solids this week and will try a little more each day. She is high maintenance and wants to be held or entertained unless asleep. I guess we all do though.

Anyways, this is just a little about our family. I hope you all enjoy reading and viewing the pictures. Love to all.

1 comment:

Curiosity said...

This is so nice. I enjoyed reading your blog and in the future. I love the pictures. Sweet and precious.