Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dentist Today

Here is Ellie at her first Dentist appointment. I've decided to take my girls early in life to make sure they feel comfortable having someone look at their teeth as opposed to being scared. I took her to a Pediatric dentist because I know they are specialized in all the kiddy stuff. The office was so cute. They had slides and climbing things in the waiting room. They also had an arcade area for the older kids. Ellie did surprisingly good. She let the dentist look at her teeth and then brush them. Her teeth look great and he said we are doing a great job. We will go back in 6 months for her very first cleaning.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Beautiful North Carolina

We had a wonderful vacation in N.C. We spent two weeks at my parents house. They live on a beautiful 30+ acre piece of property. The girls thoroughly enjoyed running around barefoot, chasing the kittens, swinging on the tire swing, looking at the chicken and playing with their cousins. Michael and I enjoyed relaxing in the yard as we watched the kids play. The weather was beautiful for us. We are so happy that we were able to go back and we thank my Mom & Dad for their graciousness in letting us stay at their home.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easter Egg Fun With Grandma

Mommy had to get her teeth cleaned yesterday so Grandma had the girls over for some Easter egg decorating. I wasn't there but was told that Ellie was very HANDS on. She didn't want to use the little tool to get the eggs out of the dye, she just used her hands. It was probably easier that way anyway. Emma wasn't able to help too much but next year will be old enough.

Easter Egg Hunt

We headed out to our Communities Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. The kids were still a little sick but we all had fun anyways. They have the field all divided up into age groups so it is nice that the little ones don't have to compete with the big kids.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Swimming Anyone?

We took the kids to the indoor waterpark that we have here in our town. This was a great thing to do considering it is in the 90's out. The nice thing about an indoor pool is that we don't have to worry about sunscreen. The kids had the best time. Emma is a little fish and Ellie had a blast "swimming". When it was time to leave Ellie through a huge fit and didn't want to leave. I don't blame her I guess.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Swimsuit Model

It's just about swimsuit weather here in Arizona. Yesterday our car registered 89 degrees. Michael and I, along with Michael's dad took a nice trip up to Vegas yesterday. We were able to go to the temple, our main mission for the trip. We also needed to buy little Emma a new car seat as she had finally outgrown her infant carrier, thank goodness. It was getting pretty heavy to carry. We also headed over to Target, my favorite store, to browse around. This is where I spotted the most adorable swimsuit. It was the last one left and just Emma's size. It did have a small stain in the front but hardly noticeable. I asked for a discount and they gave me 10% off. She looks so cute in it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Time Gardening

Keeping Emma in her Corral (Should have put Ellie there)

Lavender, Smells Good

In the hole it goes.

Standing back and assessing the situation.

All Done! Good job Daddy and Ellie.
We decided to do some planting in the front of our house. We planted our first round of lavender plants when I was pregnant with Ellie back in 2006. They really took off beautifully so we decided to plant some more on the other side of the walkway to even it out. Of course we had the best helpers ever. Ellie is more than eager to get digging in the dirt and mud. I think we have a little tomboy on our hands. She even did a little tasting of the dirt to make sure that it was just right. Thanks Ellie. Emma is still not quite so stable on her feet so we put her in the corral with some toys. She was happy for a little while and then decided she wanted to help too. It was quite hot out today, up in the 80's for sure. I've decided that this is a fun thing to do to get you in the Spring spirit.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Emma

Oh, where has the year gone and how has my little baby grown up so fast? Emma turned 1 yesterday and we had a little birthday party for her. I had her grandparents and great-grandparents over for a dinner of lasagna and of course birthday cake. I made her a little cake that she could dig into and she didn't waste anytime, with the help of Ellie. She then opened up her presents, with the help of Ellie. Emma got all clothes this year because it is probably the only year till she is a teenager where we can get away with that and she needed some dresses. She also really started walking yesterday. It's funny that it happened right on her birthday but boy did she really take off. Emma is such a sweet little baby. I feel so blessed to have her in my life and she brings a special spirit into our home. I just hope time slows down a bit.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Beautiful Day+ 2 Kids= Park

I just have to brag about the beautiful weather we have here in the west. Now I know some of you might enjoy the cold and snow but this warm weather makes me happy. I'm not looking forward to the extreme heat of the summer but for now this is nice. I took the kids to the park to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Emma is almost walking. She will take 8 steps or so at a time and is very steady on her feet. It is hard to believe that she will turn 1 on Saturday. It has gone by so very fast. She is so much fun to have around and very happy and pleasant doing her thing all around the house. Ellie and Emma are now playing so nicely together, most of the time.

I just started my new job this week. I am working for Keller William's Realty assisting a realtor who is extremely busy right now and needed some help with his paperwork. I am basically doing what I used to do so I feel comfortable doing the job. I work 3 days a week in the afternoons while the kids are sleeping so it works great for my schedule. Thanks to Kathy for coming over and sitting here at the house while I go to work. Anyways, it should go well and I don't have to spend too much time away from the kids.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Your Crib Or Mine?

I KNOW! Ellie has crazy hair again. I just can't seem to tame it. It has a mind of its own. Emma and Ellie don't share a bed but Emma loves to climb into bed with Ellie and Ellie loves to climb in bed with Emma. I took this picture because they were wearing matching P.J.'s and I thought it was cute. Also, it's one of those cute sister moments I try to capture for when they are older. When I look back at my baby and toddler pictures, Allison is in almost all of them. I guess we were together all the time. I hope that they will always stay close to one another.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ladybug, Puppy & Two Girls

Here are the girls with their T.V. watching pals. This is their Valentines gifts from Grandma and Grandpa.

Sunday, February 8, 2009